ScoutX Testnet Guide

5 min readApr 5, 2022


As we ramp up for our Testnet launch on the Polygon Mumbai Testnet, we wanted to provide quick instructions to our beta testers so you can focus on what matters — investing in your favorite athletes.

Note that the Mobile version of ScoutX is in progress, so we encourage users to use a Desktop to use the ScoutX Testnet

This guide serves as an introduction to the ScoutX Testnet launch and will walk you through the process of getting started and making your first trade. Although the testnet launch requires a web3 wallet, we aim to make ScoutX accessible to everyone: web3 and non-web3 native users. That is why we included a section for Using your Email with ScoutX for when we launch that feature — we thought we’d give a little sneak peek of what’s to come…

The Testnet launch is a working Beta version of ScoutX. So expect our Polygon Mainnet launch to have extra features and an easier onboarding experience for all.

Using your Email with ScoutX

If you do not have a Metamask wallet, follow the instructions below to learn how you can still use ScoutX. However, if you already have a wallet, or if you prefer to create a new Web3 wallet for other uses, please visit this guide and skip to the Connecting your Wallet to ScoutX section below

Sign up easily to ScoutX with your email via Magic Link. Once you enter your email, check your inbox for the email with the subject “Log in to ScoutX” and click on the large button in the email. Once accepted, you can return back to your original tab and you now have a new proxy wallet to use for ScoutX!

On the Mumbai Testnet you’ll require $SUSD (Test ScoutX tokens) and tMATIC (Test MATIC tokens) to invest in athletes. However, when we launch on the Polygon Mainnet, we will be permitting trading with USDC. For now, we give you 2000 $SUSD and 0.1 tMATIC after you sign up, so you can skip straight to Buy Player Tokens to make your first athlete invest

Connecting your Wallet to ScoutX

Head over to the ScoutX Testnet website at and click on “Get Started” on the top right of your screen. If you have never connected to the Mumbai Testnet, confirm the prompts on Metamask and we will add the network for you, once done you can switch networks to the Mumbai Testnet.

After signing up, you’ll get 2000 $SUSD and 0.1 tMATIC, so you can skip straight to Buy Player Tokens to make your first athlete invest

Funding your Wallet to buy Player Tokens

We start you off with 2000 $SUSD and 0.1 tMATIC, but if you require more then follow the instructions below:

  • Click on the “Get $SUSD” button on the top navigation bar
  • On this page, your connected wallet address will automatically populate, so click on “Get Tokens”
  • We will automatically send you 2000 $SUSD tokens and 0.1 tMATIC. You can confirm your receipt by opening your Metamask. Please note that you can only be sent $SUSD every 24 hours

Congrats you’re now ready to make your first trade.

Buy Player Tokens

With the $SUSD tokens in your wallet, head to any player’s profile from the Home page or Browse section. For this guide, we will use Rafael Nadal’s page.

Note: The figures shown are only for instructional purposes and do not represent actual earnings/statistics of the particular athlete.

  • Click on “Trade” and then decide whether you want to buy Long (predict he will perform better) or Short (predict he will perform worse) tokens.
  • Enter the amount of Rafael Nadal tokens you would like to buy, and hit “Approve”

Note that if you signed up to ScoutX with your email, the Approval and Buying/Selling process will not involve any action from Metamask, the transaction will go through automatically.

  • Once you approve the transaction on Metamask, hit “Buy” and confirm the transaction on Metamask to buy the tokens.
  • Once the transaction has gone through, you will see a success screen with your final transaction details including the number of tokens received and the amount of $SUSD deducted.

Tracking and Managing your Portfolio

Once you’ve bought some player tokens, head to the Portfolio section from the side navigation bar.

Here you’ll be able to see all your current holdings and how much profit or loss you’re in for each player token you hold. On the Portfolio screen, you can buy more or sell any of your holdings at any point in time.

Selling your Player Tokens

After you’ve held your player token and wish to sell, you can do so easily from either a player profile or the portfolio screen

On a player profile, you’ll also be able to see how many “Long” or “Short” tokens you hold in that particular player

Click on “Trade” and select the token you want to sell — “Long” or “Short”

  • Enter the number of tokens you wish to sell, click on approve, and confirm the approval on Metamask
  • Once approved, click on “Sell” and confirm the transaction on Metamask
  • After the transaction goes through, you will be shown your final transaction details including the number of tokens sold and the amount of $SUSD received in exchange

Congratulations! You have now successfully executed your first trade on ScoutX. Enjoy the ride and we can’t wait to hear your feedback before we launch on the Polygon Mainnet.

Join our Discord to continue the conversation and say hi to the team and community.








Written by ScoutX

ScoutX is the world’s first DeFi player protocol for investing in players’ future earnings.

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